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O Varejo Mobile - 1º Semestre de 2016

A Criteo analisa bilhões de transações online para descobrir tendências e identificar o caminho para uma estratégia vencedora de varejo mobile.

We’ve analyzed billions of transactions every quarter since 2014 to understand mobile commerce trends and pass our insights along to you. We’ve taken a deeper dive to uncover the core principles of how leading mobile marketers are able to take a towering share of revenue.

In this highly anticipated report, you will learn:

  • About the current state of mobile commerce, including a comparison of mobile web versus apps
  • Retail categories that push mobile commerce growth
  • Revenue-indicating metrics that act as precursors to mobile shopper conversion
  • Our Mobile Maturity Model, composed of four well-defined principles that leading mobile marketers use to drive the largest share of mobile transactions