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The Easter Boost - Five Top Tips for Driving Sales This Easter

Posted by Sakina Najmi

Along with spending time with family and friends, consumers now see Easter as a prime time for shopping. In 2015, US consumers spent an astonishing $16.4 billion on Easter toys and treats. What’s more, in recent years Easter shopping has moved online, with e-sales during the holidays now dwarfing those made on the high street. So, with consumers increasingly attracted to a crowded online marketplace, how can you ensure that you boost sales during the busy Easter period? Read more for five handy tips that will help you maximize sales over the Easter break.

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Putting your advertising platform to the test

Posted by Rob Deichert

Last week, I had the opportunity to discuss the critical topic of assessing vendor performance with an audience of marketing leaders at Argyle’s Retail CMO Forum in New York. Given the rapid pace of change in marketing technology, and a landscape already filled with more than 2,000 solution providers, the need to quickly and confidently assess what’s working has never been more critical.



Mobile Marketing – Retailers’ Common Denominator

Consumers aren’t just spending more time researching products on their mobile devices, they’re making actual purchases, or “converting” in marketing speak. While digital marketers have struggled to develop a full view of their consumers’ paths to purchase as the journey has become fragmented across many devices and channels, the upward trend of mobile conversions means that missing a prospect on mobile could equal a lost sale. This significantly raises the stakes for mobile marketers.



mCommerce is growing like a weed

Posted by Jonathan Wolf

In December, I wrote about the growing importance of having a great mobile commerce experience, due to the increasing rate at which consumers were purchasing on their mobile devices. At the time, I wrote that “mobile commerce is happening incredibly fast.” How fast? In the three months since I wrote that, mCommerce has grown another 10% in the U.S., according to our Q1 2015 State of Mobile Commerce Report.



Bridging the Gap Between Screens to Increase ROI - Highlights from VentureBeat’s Mobile Summit Fireside Chat

Posted by Mollie Spilman

Bridging the Gap Between Screens to Increase ROI - Highlights from VentureBeat’s Mobile Summit Fireside Chat I recently participated in a fireside chat as part of VentureBeat’s Mobile Summit alongside American Eagle Outfitter’s Chief Digital Officer Joe Megibow. The session was moderated by the Wall Street Journal’s Rolfe Winkler with a focus on mobile devices. As about 180 senior leaders gathered to listen to Joe and me chat, it was clear: increasing ROI is all about having a unified view of the customer. To that end, marketers are investing more and more in mobile to reach consumers across screens, which makes me think that mobile attribution will be a heavily addressed topic this year.



Mobile Excellence and Leadership: Criteo’s Mollie Spilman Receives IAB’s Service Excellence Award

Posted by Criteo

Criteo’s Chief Revenue Officer Mollie Spilman recently pointed out in an article published in VentureBeat that in 2015 mobile won’t just be a component of your digital strategy — it will be your digital strategy. She added that consumers are turning to their mobile devices first for practically everything, and shopping is no exception. Our most recent State of Mobile Commerce Report for Q4 2014 showed that mobile devices now account for one-third of all ecommerce transactions worldwide.



Welcome to The Criteo Blog

Posted by Emma Ferns

Welcome to the Criteo Blog! Let me start by introducing myself. My name is Emma Ferns and I will be leading the blog here at Criteo. Last year we completely revamped our website and as a part of this process we knew that we also wanted to create a space where we could interact with our clients and visitors to the website. And so the Criteo blog was born! We will endeavor to make this blog an engaging space where we can keep you up to date with what’s happening both in the industry and at Criteo. However, most importantly we want to share our ideas, provide valuable advice and build a community– we’re looking forward to sharing with you and listening to your feedback.



Three reasons scale matters more than you think to your performance advertising campaigns

Posted by Criteo Market Insights Team

Think that size doesn't really matter in performance marketing? Think again. It’s true that the primary requirement for any direct marketing campaign may be to generate high-quality leads at a cost brands are willing to pay. That's why it's so important to utilize the best recommendation and bidding technologies. However, don't underestimate the benefits of scale.



Navigating the travel industry; what brands need to do to succeed in today’s highly competitive marketplace

Posted by Criteo

The travel sector is one of the most difficult industries for any company to compete in. It has one of the largest pools of customers online, but these users lack loyalty, ‘brand-hop’ and tend to go for price-based bookings. The online customer journey has, until recently, been impossible to track as potential purchasers jump from mobile, to laptop, to desktop and to tablet. This makes it more difficult than ever to identify and convert customers
