
Author Profile

Emma Ferns

Lead Blogger

Emma is the Lead Blogger for Criteo and Global Head of PR and AR.  Emma is passionate about technology and communicating and has spent her entire career in this field.  Prior to her role at Criteo, Emma was the EMEA Head of Corporate Communications at Dell.

Recent blog posts by Emma Ferns

Welcome to The Criteo Blog

Posted by Emma Ferns

Welcome to the Criteo Blog! Let me start by introducing myself. My name is Emma Ferns and I will be leading the blog here at Criteo. Last year we completely revamped our website and as a part of this process we knew that we also wanted to create a space where we could interact with our clients and visitors to the website. And so the Criteo blog was born! We will endeavor to make this blog an engaging space where we can keep you up to date with what’s happening both in the industry and at Criteo. However, most importantly we want to share our ideas, provide valuable advice and build a community– we’re looking forward to sharing with you and listening to your feedback.