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Trust Through Transparency

Posted by Jon Buss

I am very proud to announce that Criteo has been certified to the JICWEBS Digital Trading Standards Group (DTSG) UK Good Practice Principles by independent industry auditor ABC. This accreditation demonstrates Criteo’s commitment to creating a brand safe environment where clients can be confident that their advertising will reach the right audience and will not be associated with content that could jeopardise brand reputation.

As we all know, the online advertising industry faces the ongoing challenge of mitigating the risk of misplacement of display advertising.  Here at Criteo, we take this challenge very seriously and have a range of processes in place to ensure the safety and quality of our media buying.  Achieving verification to the JICWEBS Digital Trading Standards Group (DTSG) Good Practice Principles highlights that we are doing everything in our power to provide our clients with total transparency which in turn instils confidence and trust in the services we provide.

 JICWEBS is the Joint Industry Committee for Web Standards which was set up to help provide credibility, comparability and transparency in the online ad trading.  Together with the Digital Trading Standards Group, they have developed The UK Good Practice Principles which aim to significantly reduce the risk of misplacement of display advertising on digital media properties, uphold brand safety and protect the integrity of digital advertising.

To achieve our certified status, Criteo was rigorously audited by ABC, the media industry’s ‘Stamp of Trust’. ABC checked that we have clear processes and procedures in compliance with the UK Good Practice Principles. Moving forward, Criteo will be re-audited on an annual basis to ensure ongoing adherence with the Principles. 

Categories: Performance Marketing