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Author Profile

Jonathan Wolf

Chief Product Officer, Criteo

Jonathan is responsible for Criteo's product. He joined Criteo in early 2009 as Chief Buying Officer, where he built the publisher facing business and ran the buy-side product. Before Criteo, Jonathan worked at Yahoo, where his last role was overseeing the restructuring and then ultimately the sale of Kelkoo, Europe's leading price comparison business. Jonathan previously worked at Atlas Venture and Boston Consulting Group. He attended Oxford University, where he received the Gibbs prize for Physics, and Harvard.

Recent blog posts by Jonathan Wolf

Go Mobile or Go Home: But what do I do?

Posted by Jonathan Wolf

OK, so you don’t need to be told again – the world has gone mobile and if your strategy isn’t mobile first you should be brushing up your resume or else getting ready to live in an attic with the typewriter salesmen and Blackberry-holster makers… But let’s say you really want to keep your job – what should you do?

Is Android losing the battle with Apple?

Posted by Jonathan Wolf

It’s hard work building an app. It’s even harder work building two apps, one for iPhone and one for Android. Developers will only do this if the revenue for both is significant. If one becomes marginal, then why bother? This is the “winner take all” dynamic seen in so many technology ecosystems. Apple can do no wrong right now, so is Android in trouble?

mCommerce is growing like a weed

Posted by Jonathan Wolf

In December, I wrote about the growing importance of having a great mobile commerce experience, due to the increasing rate at which consumers were purchasing on their mobile devices. At the time, I wrote that “mobile commerce is happening incredibly fast.” How fast? In the three months since I wrote that, mCommerce has grown another 10% in the U.S., according to our Q1 2015 State of Mobile Commerce Report.