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Atrápalo's six year partnership with Criteo has steadily increased ROI, CTR, and CR, and helped fuel a successful expansion into Latin America.


(Return on investment)


(Click-through rate)


(Conversion rate)


Atrápalo is a top travel and leisure agency with an intense focus on observing user activity to give their clients an exceptional experience. When it came time to consolidate their brand in Spain and expand into Latin America, they trusted Criteo—who has ushered them through six years of intense brand growth amidst an ever-changing digital landscape—to deliver the same level of client satisfaction that they do.


Atrápalo's online marketing strategy is based on constant innovation and testing, and they've implemented nearly every Criteo solution with stellar results. In their current expansion, their focus has been on mobile and in-app solutions, specifically utilizing App Advertising to promote their new “La Lanzadera” app. 


Criteo has become Atrápalo's second largest source of paid traffic (in some Latin American countries) and has also:

  • Increased all key metrics – ROI, CTR and CR
  • Put Atrápalo on track to meet their goal of generating 60% of their total 2016 revenue from Latin America

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