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Author Profile

Criteo Market Insights Team

The Criteo Market Insights Team authors reports and infographics from Criteo's technology and industry trends.


Gilles Giudicelli, Head of Market Insights, Criteo

Gilles is in charge of external-facing research and thought leadership at Criteo. He is passionate about helping brands leveraging consumer insights, which he has done for 14 years by working in advertising research positions at Google, Havas and Aegis Media and Criteo.


Florent Maillard, Senior Research Manager, Criteo Market Insights

Florent was an early mover to the Performance Display space. Before joining Criteo in 2012, he helped top advertisers optimize their performance advertising strategies at Yahoo! and AdConion Media Group for six years. Today, Florent leverages his expert knowledge to bring consumer and market insights to Criteo’s clients and prospects.


Shailendra Pandey, Senior Research Manager, Criteo Market Insights

Shailendra has over 10 years of experience working as an analyst/consultant covering the advertising, telecoms, and digital services market. At Criteo, Shailendra focuses specifically on mobile research projects. He previously worked for Ovum and was on the judging panel for GSMA’s Global Mobile Awards, MMA Smarties and Meffys.


Recent blog posts by Criteo Market Insights Team

Three reasons scale matters more than you think to your performance advertising campaigns

Posted by Criteo Market Insights Team

Think that size doesn't really matter in performance marketing? Think again. It’s true that the primary requirement for any direct marketing campaign may be to generate high-quality leads at a cost brands are willing to pay. That's why it's so important to utilize the best recommendation and bidding technologies. However, don't underestimate the benefits of scale.