The Iconic

호주 최대 규모의 온라인 패션몰 The Iconic은 관련성 높은 광고를 통해 신규 고객 유입과 기존 고객의 재방문을 늘렸고, 그 결과 매출이 150% 증가했습니다.

성공사례 다운로드

월 매출


신규 고객


고객 획득 비용


In order to increase sales in a cost-effective manner, THE ICONIC’s challenge was two-fold — firstly, to acquire new (and relevant) customers, and secondly, to re-engage existing customers after they had made a purchase or navigated away. 


Criteo’s advertising platform automatically identified THE ICONIC’s most valuable site visitors, bidding intelligently to show them personalised creative and product recommendations. Using the company’s advanced optimisation engine, THE ICONIC was able to quickly reach and re-engage customers with relevant content and bring them back to the site for conversion.


  • +145% increase in Monthly Revenue
  • -22% reduction in acquisition costs
  • +150% increase in new customers 
성공사례 다운로드

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