Flight Network

타겟 고객에 대한 정교한 분석 및 구매 행동을 예측하는 Criteo 광고를 통해 Flight Network는 전환율을 380% 높이고 신규 고객들의 구매액이 20% 증가되는 성과를 이뤘습니다.

성공사례 다운로드



신규 고객


Flight Network needed to drive conversions and new customer acquisition by getting the right offers in front of the right travelers – re-engaging users who had already been to flightnetwork.com and attracting new travelers with relevant ads. They also wanted an experienced and collaborative partner who could help them stay ahead of changing advertising regulations in the travel sector.


Flight Network partnered with Criteo in 2012 to launch a performance display program, selecting Criteo for its platform simplicity, ease of use and CPC pricing model.

The sophisticated Criteo engine puts the power of selective targeting and predictive analysis behind Flight Network ads to reach users who are most likely to convert based on a wide range of data points.


  • +380% conversions
  • +19.6% new customer sales
성공사례 다운로드

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애드테크 최강자 Criteo와 함께 놀라운 광고 효과를 경험하세요.


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