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How n11.com Boosted Mobile Device Sales by 358%

Turkey’s n11.com is an open e-trade platform that connects thousands of brands and stores to millions of shoppers. Because the platform’s wide variety of inventory demands that each category have its own conversion and ROI targets, n11 recognized that they needed various dynamic retargeting solutions to exceed these category targets.

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What Geo-Targeting Means in an Omnichannel World

There’s an entire world, invisible to the naked eye, where consumers are moving targets crossing virtual fences. Now, with GPS and Bluetooth capabilities on smartphones, retailers are fine-tuning their omnichannel strategies to reach consumers in relevant locations beyond desktop.

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Direct Match vs. Probabilistic Match: Which is Better and Why?

An online marketing campaign that works is one that hits all the right notes: It features exciting products announced with brilliant creative design, supported by a healthy marketing budget. But all those elements are going to add up to the sad song of campaign failure if one key thing is missing: a strong data match that links you with your most likely prospects.

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Why Smart Personalization is Driving the Retail Experience

In this increasingly competitive atmosphere, delivering a personalized customer interaction can mean the difference between securing a sale and losing it to a competitor. Many brands are therefore putting their efforts into creating tailored experiences for their customers using sophisticated smart personalization technology.

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Top 3 Mobile Retargeting Tips for Retailers

It's become critical for retailers to implement not just a user acquisition campaign but a smart retention strategy, too. When used effectively, retargeting can significantly increase engagement, sales, and brand awareness.

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How Linio Achieved a 30% Increase in Efficiency

Linio is the largest online retailer in Latin America, with operations in eight countries throughout the continent. The ecommerce giant needed the right technology partner to make product recommendations more effective, and to help lift sales across their growing mobile business.

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How to Get Your Boss to Invest in More in Search

As a mature channel, search doesn’t get as much attention as the new kids on the blogs (er, block — digital, video, social, and mobile, we’re looking at you). But in the battle to win at results-driven campaigns, search continues to lead. Here’s why, plus how to convince your boss to spend more on it.

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What Do Criteo Dev Leads Have in Common With Classical Musicians?

Ask any professional instrumentalist about their road to expertise, and you’ll quickly learn that they’ve spent hundreds, if not thousands of hours practicing and learning their craft inside and out. Similarly, our dev leads bring a wealth of knowledge and training from the varied experiences they’ve had in the outside world.

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