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Relatório Forrester: Marketing com Foco em Pessoas

Personalization capabilities leveraging customer data are now table stakes for effective marketing campaigns. Find out how marketers can deliver consistently relevant and valuable interactions across all customer touchpoints in this exclusive Forrester report.

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Forrester Report: People-Focused Marketing At The Speed Of Today’s Connected Consumers

In December 2015, Criteo commissioned Forrester to conduct a survey with 100 business leaders, supplemented with six in-depth interviews to evaluate approaches to marketing personalization. We found that while companies are moving forward with cross-device personalized marketing capabilities, real people-focused marketing still does not exist today.

Key findings include:

  • Personalized marketing is a new requirement, but people-focused marketing is still elusive: Nearly three-quarters of marketers are adopting personalized marketing efforts today, but they still lack confidence in running critical aspects of people-focused marketing programs.
  • Marketers struggle with effectively navigating customer matching methodologies and integrating omnichannel touchpoints in real time: The need to perform these tasks and affect marketing decisions in real time further adds to the difficulty marketers face.
  • Marketers play a key role in ushering in the era of people-focused marketing: They should focus investment on solutions that have cross-channel RTIM (Real-time Interaction Management) capabilities, and work with vendors that can provide a holistic view of their customer, track personalization efforts back to bottom-line business metrics, deliver customer matching using transparent methodologies, and offer stringent privacy safeguards.
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