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In the News Archive

November, 2015

The 4 Elements of a Winning Ecommerce Ad Strategy

Digital advertising, also known as Internet or online advertising, can be a complicated space. With the numerous devices and channels available today for people to access content, consume information and make purchasing decisions, it can be challenging for a brand to succeed in engaging users and driving sales. But, it has never been as important as it is today. Ensuring the customer journey is seamless across all devices is a must for companies when people are fickle and have more options to browse and purchases than ever before. Here are the four ecommerce strategies that empower brands to attract consumers and boost sales.

Criteo Pools Data From Over 6,000 Brands To Power Its Device Graph

Criteo is prepping a Universal Match product as a serious contender in the cross-device arms race. The company is pooling anonymized data from two-thirds of its 9,300 brand customers in its consumer database. Every brand that participates provides CRM data (not unlike Google’s Customer Match) that would enable them to target specific users cross-platform through a hashed ID. Criteo says it can take the concept of custom audience matching, which Facebook has done for years, and apply it more broadly across web publishers and apps using its unique identifier, the Criteo ID.

Criteo Gets To A Billion

OK, what was the performance in Q3? Well, revenues spiked by 54% to €299 million. In fact, for the past year, they have hit the €1 billion milestone. Not bad for a company that was founded in 2005.

The One Thing More Important Than Being in Silicon Valley

First and foremost, it’s important that your startup is based on an innovative and useful technology that will uniquely help companies and consumers. Put simply, there must be a market for your business idea. The second key is to build a team that can execute on your vision and scale. Startups usually begin with only a handful of employees, so thinking about the right and best team is more important than choosing a location.

Black Friday Gains Online Steam as Mobile Use Rises (subscription based)

After crunching data from 200 retailers and over 60 million online transactions during last year’s holiday shopping season, performance marketing firm Criteo discovered just how key an event Black Friday is online. Moreover, the firm said 32 percent of e-commerce transactions that occurred on Black Friday were done on a mobile device. Criteo’s analysis showed that the so-called “Bounceback Tuesday” experiences a strong spike in online sales as well.

Retailers can learn from e-commerce gains last holiday season

The day after Thanksgiving is becoming less an in-store, discount-driven event where shoppers line up in the cold, run into stores and fight over the last $29 tablet computer or coveted Barbie doll, and more of an online phenomenon driven by shoppers using smartphones, a study finds. Data shows online sales were 275% higher for mass merchants on Black Friday last year than during non-holiday periods, nearly hitting the level of the Monday after Thanksgiving, known as Cyber Monday, according to research by ad tech firm Criteo S.A.

Mobile-Savvy Fashion Shoppers Turn To Apps For The Holidays

As retailers gear up for the last quarter of the year, they’ve been carefully prepping for the 2015 holiday shopping season in an effort to maximize sales. They’ve strategically mapped out marketing plans, advertising creative and in-store displays to capture consumer attention. However, as the path to purchase quickly shifts to mobile, one crucial element continues to need improvement. Often overlooked, yet invaluable for boosting sales, the user mobile experience will be key for retailers looking to drive profit during the upcoming gift-giving season.

How to reach the cross-device shopper

The mobile revolution is more extreme than any other megatrend in technology today. For a long while now, the growth of mobile adoption amongst consumers has been talked about, but the pace of change continues to be rapid and is accelerating. As a brand, being seamlessly present across all devices and actively engaging users, especially on mobile, is key to winning in this new mobile world. But, it’s easier said than done in some cases. The secrets to success are still in progress, but there are some fundamental steps brands need to take today in order to win.

4 Holiday Ecommerce Trends You Can’t Ignore

At least a third of the projected $617 billion to be spent this holiday season is expected to come from ecommerce transactions. Here are four top trends to boost consumer engagement and maximize sales this holiday shopping season.