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In the News

In the News Archive

July, 2015

AOL to manage Microsoft ads: Why increased consolidation is good news

Consolidation in the digital advertising industry is a hot and controversial topic. In the last couple of years, mergers and acquisitions have been frequent, and the stakes high. In April of this year, Twitter purchased TellApart for over $500 million to help improve online and mobile ads. And just the other day, AOL announced that it will manage ad sales for most of Microsoft’s ad-supported properties. -Byline authored by Criteo's Chief Revenue officer, Mollie Spilman

Hey millennial women—let’s get past the idea that career and family is either-or

The question of whether women must choose family or career advancement has become more prevalent as women have started to seek higher-powered roles. I’m here to say that they don’t have to choose. While I can’t claim to have perfected the balancing act, I have learned some valuable lessons over the past 16 years about maintaining stability between home life with my husband and two sons, and my career as I have taken on C-level roles at Ad.com, Yahoo!, Millennial Media, and now Criteo.

41% Buy on Smartphone, 37% on Desktop

Using more than one device in the course of a purchase is becoming more common. This should be no surprise to anyone making purchases, which could be pretty much anyone, but it does pose some rather significant challenges to those doing the selling. One recent study did somewhat of a breakdown of what buying looks like by device when using more than one in the path to purchase.

Mobile booking is here, but travel firms are missing out

Mobile is the new normal – 34 % of global ecommerce transactions across all industries are happening on mobile devices. In travel alone, one-third of the bookings in major countries around the world are now coming from mobile devices. With the rise of mobile bookings, clear winners and losers have surfaced, proving that there is real competition in the space and a strong thirst from consumers for a better experience.

CFOs: Are You Ready For An IPO?

According to research from Renaissance Capital, the past two years have seen the most U.S. IPO activity since 2000, with 222 IPOs in 2013 and a whopping 273 in 2014. As we’ve seen with recent activity at Uber and Dropbox, there’s a clear link between who occupies the CFO chair and a potential IPO. Benoit Fouilland, CFO of Criteo, has experience leading a company through an IPO. I recently spoke with Benoit about how Criteo has changed post-IPO and the skills CFOs need to successfully navigate the transformation.