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In the News

In the News Archive

September, 2016

Digital Buyers Use Desktop PCs to Purchase Clothing

Internet marketing services company Criteo surveyed 1,536 US digital buyers ages 18 and older who had bought apparel online. Nearly nine in 10 respondents said they had used a desktop device to purchase apparel in the past 12 months. And more than six in 10 used mobile devices—including smartphones and tablets—to purchase apparel. Clearly desktop is still the dominant device used for many, but mobile follows not too far behind.

Mobile at the tipping point

The UK leads the world in mobile retail. And being out in front means that, along with other mobile-centric lands such as Japan and Korea, the UK is reaching the mobile verses desktop tipping point before anyone else. So says the latest research out this week from Criteo, which says that looking at consumer behaviour, UK shoppers are now more mobile than desktop when it comes to shopping and that that trend is going to only increase. In fact, in Criteo’s terms the UK and Japan have long passed parity with desktop and smartphones and apps are driving ever more mobility in the retail market. But are retailers up to speed?